“Before Acupuncture, I could not function in day to day life, I did not know a thing about acupuncture, I remember telling him I was trying it out of desperation. Since February of 2005, I have had 2 amazing little girls, may I add, he helped me during both pregnancies, I was able to have both with out complications and epidurals, I made it through Respiratory school, and look to him to be there with me as I start back to school. Through Mr. Bailey's knowledge of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs, I have been able to enjoy my life and handle the day to day stresses of life experiences.”
Boyd Bailey, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM)
Boyd received his Masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 1997 from the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (now Bastyr University) in Seattle, WA. He is licensed by the North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board to practice Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, and is Nationally Board Certified, holding a Diplomate in Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Boyd has treated patients with many different health conditions in a variety of clinical settings, including community health centers, public health projects, inpatient and outpatient hospital clinics, and in private practice.
Extensively and eclectically trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Japanese, and Korean acupuncture traditions, Boyd is also a certified Toyohari® practitioner and proficient in Shonishin pediatric acupuncture. For the past decade, Boyd has been deeply involved in the study of Classical (Canonical) Chinese medicine, continually studying the "Four Classics" of Chinese medicine: Huang Di Nei Jing, Nan Jing, Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lue.
Since 2009, Boyd has served as the acupuncture consultant for Wake Forest Baptist Health’s Center for Integrative Medicine, providing education, research collaboration, and strategic planning. Nurturing a strong interest and budding professional experience in academic acupuncture research, Boyd is currently working with Wake Forest University Health Sciences professor Nancy Avis, PhD. on a National Institutes of Health funded Phase 2 clinical trial of the effects of acupuncture on menopausal hot flashes: "Acupuncture In Menopause"(NCT01276028). Boyd is a co-investigator, and one of four acupuncture interventionists in this 2 year, 2 site (Winston-Salem & Chapel Hill, NC) study.
Extensively trained in, and practicing QiGong and TaiJiQuan ("Tai Chi") for 20 years, Boyd is a certified Hunyuan Chen Style Taijiquan and Qigong instructor, and employs the efficient movement, breath, and mind techniques when engaging with patients during acupuncture treatment.
Fascinated with Chinese calligraphy and brush paintings, he has inked many original works which can be viewed on PINTEREST.
Stay in touch: check out Piedmont Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine and Boyd Bailey, L.Ac. on FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, & TWITTER for the latest research, testimonials, and various musings on all things Chinese medicine.